Red state

Lori Lightfoot Being Considered to Investigate Mayor Some Call ‘Worst’ in America’ – RedState

We reported earlier in the week on what the citizens were going through in Dolton, Illinois, dealing with their mayor, who some have termed the “worst mayor in America,” Tiffany Henyard. They had a wild meeting where only some of the citizens were allowed in leaving many others angry outside and some pounding on the windows. 

There are multiple alleged scandals, but the main one involves a trip to Las Vegas where a former assistant believes she was sexually assaulted by an unnamed trustee. She told Henyard and then she was terminated and action was also allegedly taken against a police officer who had knowledge of the incident. The state Department of Human Rights is looking into two complaints filed in that matter already. 

Her constituents have also complained about the ostentatious mayor’s massive billboards bearing her face across town and the “militarization” of local…

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