Red state

Losing to Trump Was ‘Pure Hell’ – RedState

It’s sometimes hard to believe that this rube was one wayward coconut to the dome of Kamala Harris away from being the leader of the free world. But alas, here we are.

Former vice presidential candidate Tim Walz (D) emerged from the shadows for his first nationally televised interview with MSNBC host Rachel Maddow. 

And it seems Tim has a case of the sads. The Minnesota Governor lamented about losing the election and related to the feeling of “fatigue” amongst supporters when it comes to that loss.

He acknowledged that fighting back against President Donald Trump is a problematic venture right now.

“You know that overused term, ‘The frog in the boiling water?’ We’ve been in the damn pot way too long,” Walz said, using a weird apologue that is definitely not used very often. “I think it is speaking up. It’s thinking about your neighbors. It’s writing and…

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