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Maine Bill Would Establish ‘Legal Right’ to Transgender Surgeries

A Democrat-led bill seeks to establish a legal right to abortions, transgender surgeries, and hormonal treatments in Maine, and protect those traveling from outside of the state to get such procedures there.

LD 227 would establish a legal right to “gender-affirming health care services” and “reproductive health care services” within Maine, according to a draft copy of the bill published by the Maine Wire. The publication reported that the bill would also ban “interference with legally protected health care activity,” including abortions and attempted sex-change surgeries.

“Gender-affirming” care is a euphemism used by leftist activists and the media to describe transgender surgeries, hormones, and puberty blockers. Radical gender ideologues insist that “gender-affirming care” is necessary for those who are experiencing gender dysphoria.

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