News Busters

Major Newspaper Headlines on Hunter Biden’s Testimony? Hunter’s Megaphone!

How can we know just how the major newspapers have a pro-Biden bias? When they present Hunter Biden as the hero and moral authority of his own testimony in the Biden impeachment probe.

First, they submerge the story, and then the framing is in contempt of the factual record. Hunter can say he’s never involved Joe in his business — when it should be obvious to a fifth-grader that this is a lie — but they run with it anyway. 

The New York Post offered the anti-Biden framing of Hunter’s evasive, sometimes laughable testimony yesterday, under the online headline for their cover story. 

Hunter Biden testified he was ‘high or drunk’ while writing ‘sitting here with my father’ $5M China shakedown text — but still got the money

Their lede by Steven Nelson and Josh Christenson stands out from the others: 

First son Hunter Biden claimed in…

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