Hot Air

Man, This Election Stinks, Says … – HotAir

I came thisclose to making this today’s Final Word. Because, y’know, a papal observation seems rather fitting for that position, does it not?

The clear alternate headline in everyone’s mind has to be: Pope Francis Says What Most People Think About Every Election. The pontiff in this case focused his political observations on the doctrine of life, but more in the “seamless garment” sense:

Asked about the U.S. presidential election on his flight back to Rome from Singapore, the pope said not welcoming migrants is a “grave” sin, and likened having an abortion to an “assassination”.

Well, yes, but that doesn’t mean that Catholics are required to open all borders and allow mass invasions either. The US has traditionally been one of the most welcoming of nations when it comes to immigration, but we ask that people immigrate lawfully. We also have been traditionally gracious towards…

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