News Busters

Mann Ordered To Pay National Review Over $500K

It was a bad week for those on the left who try to censor their opponents. First, Meta announced it would ditch the fact-checkers who think they are entitled to be the final arbiters of truth and censor anyone who dissents. Now, the media’s favorite professor of climate alarmism, Michael Mann, has been forced to pay nearly $600,000 in legal fees to National Review after a frivolous lawsuit that alleged they defamed him.

National Review’s editors wrote on Friday, “For more than eight years, the climate scientist Michael Mann harassed National Review through litigation over a blog post — until, eventually, the First Amendment brought an end to his attack. This week, a court in our nation’s capital ordered Mann to pay us $530,820.21 worth of attorney’s fees and costs, and to do so within 30 days. It is time for him to get out his checkbook, and…

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