Hot Air

Mark Halperin and 2 Way – HotAir

Remember when Bill O’Reilly branded his show as the “No Spin Zone.”

Well, I have to admit that if O’Reilly didn’t “spin” exactly, he certainly pushed a certain point of view. Love him or hate him, he was a conservative who fit right in on Fox News’ evening shows. 

The closest political show I have found that really is devoid of spin is Mark Halperin’s, which has been growing in influence and with good reason. 

Mark is a seasoned reporter with connections up the wazoo, and it shows. He has been around the block many times, and people from both sides of the aisle like to share information with him because he is something of an information broker. Because operatives on both the left and the right want to know the scoop, they share with him what they know and get information back in return. 

It’s how politics and journalism used to work in a healthier time when…

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