News Busters

Mark Robinson, The Latest GOP Scandal Obsession

Everyone in the liberal media is newly obsessed with North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson, a Trump-endorsed black conservative Republican that CNN has apparently found making bizarre comments on a pornographic website. It happens in many election cycles, that they use one scandal-plagued Republican to try and tar and feather the entire GOP.

ABC, CBS, and NBC all jumped on this story out of the gate, even as they added the warning “we haven’t independently confirmed” any of it. Remember how they wouldn’t touch the Hunter Biden laptop until they confirmed it for themselves? 

We can go back through old election cycles: in 1994, the networks hammered Republican Senate candidates Oliver North and Michael Huffington (they lost).In 2010, they hammered GOP Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell in Delaware as a “witch.”

In 2012, they launched at Rep. Todd Akin as he…

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