Red state

Massachusetts Town Gets Knickers in a Twist Over ‘Trump 2024’ Display on Water Tower – RedState

Officials in the town of Hanson, Massachusetts (20 miles south of Boston), are in a tizzy because someone has been projecting a “Trump 2024” sign onto their water tower. They claim it’s against policy and the transgressor will face fines if they don’t stop doing it.

I say, give the guy points for ingenuity. (Or gal, if that turns out to be the case.)

Town Scold Administrator Lisa Green was not amused, however, and responded:

“On Friday, Oct. 11, the Town of Hanson became aware that a resident was projecting the image of a political sign from their property onto the Town of Hanson municipal water tower at 228 High St. This misleads the public into believing that this activity is sanctioned by or condoned by the Town,” the statement from Green read.

I think it looks nice. And you know that in Taxachusetts, they wouldn’t have said “boo” if the projection was in support of…

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