Hot Air

Matt Yglesias on ‘Elite Misinformation’ – HotAir

There’s an interesting article by Matt Yglesias at his Substack site today. The topic is what he calls “elite misinformation.” 

Yglesias states up front that he’s not a big believer in the idea that misinformation of the variety that seems to worry misinformation experts is a major driver of political outcomes. Elections probably aren’t being won or lost based on whatever people are saying on X.

That said, there is a type of misinformation that Yglesias believes does have a big impact on people, it’s just not coming to them from online memes. That elite misinformation is mostly coming through the elite media. And here he offers an example. These are all articles published last year about fossil fuel subsidies:

  • “Why Are Taxpayers Propping Up the Fossil Fuel Industry?” — NYT

  • “Why Are Governments Still Subsidizing Fossil Fuels?” —Washington Post

  • “Explainer: Global fossil…

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