News Busters

Media Bias Impact on Biden’s Debate Performance

Statistics-based journalist-pollster Nate Silver, who previously worked at the New York Times (where he founded the influential presidential polling-data site FiveThirtyEight) and at ABC News, had some internal insight into the media bias debate, saying out loud what we at NewsBusters know well.

It came in his Monday post “Blaming the media is what got Democrats into this mess.” (The mess being President Biden’s disastrous debate performance and the feigned shock from the press who felt obliged to downplay it.)

In his latest Silver Bulletin newsletter, the political prognosticator credited, or blamed, the newly minted progressive media critics for putting a lid on Biden age coverage (Silver’s original links are included below):

But the partisan media critics I cited before succeeded in keeping coverage to a simmer — the pot never quite boiled…

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