I’m not a big fan of Meghan McCain nor her former employer, “The View,” but a war is brewing between the two after a segment that aired Thursday in defense of Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, and we are so here for it.
It all started as co-host and pseudo “conservative” Ana Navarro salivated over the alleged close relationship between Joe and Hunter, using an oft-invoked media talking point in so many words about how the only thing Joe Biden is guilty of is loving his legally embattled son Hunter, who defied a Congressional subpoena this week and flaunted it just steps from the Capitol building, too much.
“Joe Biden’s crime is being Hunter Biden’s father, and being Hunter Biden’s very loving father, very good father, very supportive father,” Navarro proclaimed as the liberally biased audience clapped like seals.
In the midst of her attempt at defending Hunter Biden, Navarro…