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Mexican Ex-Lawmaker Guilty of ‘Gender-Based Political Violence’

Mexican authorities convicted civil society leader and former Mexican Congressman Rodrigo Iván Cortés of “gender-based political violence.” His crime? Criticizing a man who identifies as a transgender woman.

Cortés drew fire over posts on Facebook and “X,” formerly known as Twitter, that referred to a trans-identifying Mexican congressional representative as a “man who self-ascribes as a woman,” according to ADF International, the organization representing him.

That trans-identifying lawmaker, who goes by the name Salma Luévano, filed a complaint against Cortés, arguing that his social media posts constituted a “denial of identity” and violated Luévano’s right to be “acknowledged as a woman.”

Luévano, asked via “X” if those who called him a man should be punished, responded: “Of course they should be punished. It’s hate speech,…

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