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Mexico Filed a Friend-of-the-Court Brief in Federal Court on Texas SB 4 – HotAir

Mexico filed a friend-of-the-court brief on Thursday which argues that Texas SB 4 could lead to harassment, arrest, and expulsion of Mexican citizens. It could also do the same to those who simply look Latino. 

This is the narrative that progressives are taking in talking about SB 4. The immigration law allows Texas law enforcement to stop anyone who is perceived as an illegal alien and if proper documentation cannot be provided, that person can be detained. The next step would be to appear before an immigration judge who would be required to deport the illegal alien. The assumption by progressives and other Democrats is that all law enforcement officers in Texas are racist. Democrats want to paint a picture of widespread random stops by law enforcement, as though all brown-skinned people will be rounded up and detained. That’s quite a fairy tale. 

SB 4 makes it a criminal offense…

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