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Mexico Refuses to Poke the Bear, Denies Ukraine’s Request to Arrest Vladimir Putin – RedState

It’s rarely wise to poke a bear in the nose.

Mexico’s President, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, obviously knows this. In October, a new president of the Estados Unidos Mexicanos (the United Mexican States) will be inaugurated, and it seems one of the international attendees will be Russian President Vladimir Putin. There’s a problem: Tsar Vladimir the First has an arrest warrant, issued by the International Criminal Court (ICC) of which Mexico is a member. The government of Ukraine has asked Mexico, should the Tsar show up in October, to arrest him.

One can just imagine how that conversation went.

AIDE TO PRESIDENT OBRADOR: “Señor Presidente, we have a request from the government of Presidente Zelensky in Ukraine, marked most urgent.”

PRESIDENT OBRADOR: “Oh? And what does he want?”

AIDE: “He wishes for us, in October at the inauguration, that we would please arrest Russian…

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