Red state

Mexico’s Lawsuit Against American Gun Companies to Face US Supreme Court – RedState

The United States is unique among nations in many ways. One of those ways, though, lies in a constitutional amendment, part of the Bill of Rights, and it’s the part that guarantees the others: The Second Amendment.

That right to keep and bear arms, recognized in the Second Amendment, has been the focus of a lot of argument, litigation, legislation, and lawfare, so in 2005, Congress passed the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act. This law has been stupidy described as protecting gun manufacturers and sellers from liability, but in fact they face the same liability due to design or manufacturing flaws as the producers of any other legal item; what the act protects them from is liability for criminal use of their products, which is a whole different kettle of fish.

On Tuesday, the Second Amendment and the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act will…

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