Hot Air

Michael Steele Has a ConspEARacy Theory – HotAir

Michael Steele, whom you will recall, was an especially worthless RNC Chair and now semi-prominent NeverTrumper, has become an Ear Truther. 

Perhaps Trump wasn’t shot… Perhaps they are hiding something… Where are the medical records? 

Proof! I want proof of ear damage. The magic bullet theory doesn’t fit the facts!

America needs to know, I tell you, more about Trump’s ear than Joe Biden’s brain! 

This, my friends, is what Trump Derangement Syndrome does to a person. It turns you into a conspEARacy theorist. And yes, I am proud of that one, despite it being pretty lame. 

Despite the graphic photographic evidence from different angles showing former President Trump was missing chunks of his right ear after being shot in the head during a failed…

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