Robin DiAngelo, the reigning queen of white guilt, is back in the headlines again for making more comments further illustrating why white progressive women are the absolute worst.
The “White Fragility” author made a Wednesday appearance on a podcast in which she savaged Michelangelo as a racist. No, I’m not talking about the ninja turtle, I’m talking about the artist. Although, come to think of it, the turtle is probably racist, too.
During the appearance, the conversation turned to Michelangelo’s “The Creation of Adam” and DiAngelo opined that the piece of art somehow perpetuates white supremacy, NY Post op-ed writer Rikki Schott wrote:
In 2020, Robin DiAngelo was the queen of DEI, raking in a healthy six-figure salary to scold other white people about their privilege. But now her diversity empire has withered — leaving her spewing nonsense in obscure crevices of the…