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Michigan To Bulldoze 400+ Acres Of Trees To Build Solar Farm

Michigan state officials plan to clear 420 acres from a state forest to build a new solar farm in the name of environmentalism.

A “top state official” confirmed to MLive that the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) planned to bulldoze a large swath of forestland to build a solar farm as part of a lease agreement.

The outlet noted that the DNR “recently assessed 1,200 acres of public trust land in Otsego County near a major power transmission line to decide whether it was suitable for solar arrays” and decided to lease 35% of the land to go with other solar projects that are already being developed.

The sudden desire to destroy trees for solar panels comes as the state risks failing to meet its own climate goal of 100% “clean” energy by 2040. If it doesn’t increase its development of so-called renewable energy, it won’t meet its arbitrary timeframe.

The 420…

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