Under Governor Tim Walz, the Minnesota government is little more than a money-laundering scheme–transferring ill-gotten taxes to grifters and grafters.
To be sure, graft is hardly new in government, and Minnesota–despite taking great pride in how clean our government was–has always had its share. For some reason, Minnesotans convinced each other that we were a special Lake Woebegon where everybody was above average, but it was never true.
But under Walz the grifting and grafting have gone into overdrive, and there has been a new ethnic element injected into the mix: hundreds of millions of dollars have been illegally funneled into the Somali community, much of which has been spent here by newly-minted millionaire crime bosses, and at least some of it being funneled to terrorists in Somalia.
You probably heard about the $120,000 attempted bribe in the trial of 7 Somalis in the…