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Mitch McConnell Talks Down Biden Impeachment – Demonstrates That the Uniparty Is Alive and Well

As more and more evidence comes to light about first son Hunter Biden’s overseas business deals and the alleged involvement of President Joe Biden, the calls for impeachment proceedings have begun to grow louder. But with the expected push for impeachment from most House Republicans and the downplaying of the entire situation by House Democrats comes another call from the party an increasing number of average Americans believe exists. It is made up of friendly Republicans and Democrats — the Washington D.C. “uniparty.” The face of the uniparty, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY). On Tuesday, McConnell attempted to play elder statesman, and issued a warning to his House GOP colleagues about moving forward with any impeachment preliminaries, saying that it was “not good for the country.”Read More 

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