Okay – I admit it.
Democrats are KILLING ME here.
And yesterday’s little gathering of whiners was the last straw – I am forced to comment upon it.
So let’s have a good time recapping the days of Dems waving tiny fists in protest, and we’ll use the distinguished Democrat from Missouri, a rumored 85-year-old named Emanuel Cleaver, as our cherry on top to wrap up.
About a week and a half ago, panicked by the massive amounts of funding designated for subterranean Dem/progressive projects Elon Musk and his team of teenage savants were finding and, worse *gasp* publicly exposing – which Trump and his cabinet officers subsequently shut down – their leadership and toadies in the media were pressed into service to do something.
Admittedly, besides filing bogus lawsuits with friendly and obscure operatives disguised as federal judges, there was little left but…