News Busters

Morning Joe Meacham Brands Trump’s Ukraine Deal ‘Imperialist’

Joe Scarborough Jon Meacham MSNBC Morning Joe 2-28-25 If President Trump manages to pull off an arrangement that ends the war in Ukraine while reimbursing the United States for some of the tens of billions it has sent to that country, most would see that as a huge win for the world as well as for our country.

“Most”–but not all. The liberal media will do its best to naysay and second-guess any such deal.

Take Friday’s Morning Joe. Joe Scarborough dug deep in his history books to analogize the prospective US-Ukraine deal to the Treaty of Versailles, which was a key to the ending of WWI. Scarborough didn’t explain his analogy, but presumably was alluding to the heavy reparation obligations that the Treaty imposed on Germany for having instigated the war.

And then there was historian and former occasional Biden speechwriter Jon Meacham, who called the deal, and by extension Trump, “imperialist.”

Like Scarborough,…

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