The Jeffrey Epstein saga has been long. Much has been forgotten, and much is still covered up.
Epstein’s “black book” is still hidden–the revelations of the past 24 hours are just what came out during one trial, and the government is still hiding the ball when it comes to more shocking revelations. Don’t be fooled; there is much more to be learned, although we may never see it.
It has been so long since the saga started that you may not remember one of the more shocking revelations–ABC News had the Epstein story, photos, interviews with multiple victims from whom we still haven’t heard, and the executives at the company quashed the story.
We learned this from a leak–the reporter who researched the story went on a tear when she was off air but still being recorded, and Project Veritas got ahold of the tape.
Never forget, Dom…the ABC producer that covered up for…