Hot Air

MSM Meltdown at NBC – HotAir

There are times when you have to accept as truth something even worse than your cynical imagination conjured up. 

Most of the time, when the MSM goes into meltdown, I assume they are just gaslighting us, or even just virtue signaling to each other. They are doing their Pravda thing, and nothing more. 

But occasionally, something even more horrifying is undeniable: these people actually believe the bulls**t they are spewing because they are so disconnected from reality that they qualify for a schizophrenia diagnosis. 

I’m serious. Total disconnect from reality to the point of mental illness. 

When the hiring of McDaniel hit Republican circles, most of us rolled our eyes. Yet another Republican sellout to the MSM, sorta proving that most our our “leaders” want nothing more than to be loved by the “cool kids.” In our eyes, it was about McDaniels’ milquetoastiness.

That’s certainly…

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