News Busters

MSNBC Blogger Jordan Rubin Rubs Worry Beads Over Trump 1/6 Immunity Appeal Delay

Jordan Rubin, a legal blog writer at MSNBC, is getting very very nervous to the point of appearing to anxiously rub worry beads over the delay the U.S. Court of Appeals is taking to rule on Donald Trump’s immunity appeal which threatens to also delay his J6 trial scheduled for March 4. Here is Rubin on Friday in a state of high anxiety over the appeal delay in “What’s taking the Trump immunity appeal ruling so long?”

It’s been more than two weeks and still no word from the U.S Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit panel that heard argument Jan. 9. While there’s no single satisfying answer to this pressing question, there are some factors we can identify to help understand what’s at play.

First, the judges know that this opinion needs to be airtight. Whatever they decide will inevitably be appealed, which would mean not only their colleagues on the…

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