Red state

MSNBC Compares Trump to a Nazi. Morning Joe Ponders, ‘How Did We Get Here?’ – RedState

An MSNBC host – any host on any part of their broadcast – pondering, “I don’t know how we got here” carries the deepest of irony. It’s like the arsonist wondering how the fire started.  

On Sunday, Trump loaded Madison Square Garden for a rally. The left decided that because Nazis had a rally almost a hundred years ago at another Madison Square Garden, Trump’s rally must be the doppelganger for the Nazis. It wasn’t of course. The clips I saw were of a lot of people having fun. But the cultist on the left needed to keep chanting “Nazis,” so they glommed onto a comedian’s off-color jokes.   

Racists! The comedian apparently made fun of Puerto Rico. Humm. In 1960, West Side Story featured a dance routine of Puerto Ricans who had fled their island for the island of Manhattan. The Puerto Rican women sang about the island being a dump. “Sink…

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