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MSNBC’s Joy Reid Waxes Idiotic, Goes Stand-Up Comic Over Trump’s Inaugural Crowd Size – RedState

As the left-wing lapdog media continues to throw bitter hissy fits over President Donald Trump’s Monday inauguration, I was delighted to run across the latest comical commentary from MSNBC’s hopelessly racist host Joy Reid, who suffers from end-stage Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Why was I delighted? Because the idiocy continually spewed by this smug fool is low-hanging fruit for a conservative political pundit who also happens to speak fluent sarcasm.

Reid’s latest meaningless smug-fest came on Monday, as she further reduced herself by pushing a dopey “crowd size” hoax about the number of patriotic Americans who turned out at our nation’s Capitol on a bitterly cold day to celebrate what many believe will be a “new golden age” under Trump’s leadership.

Reid kicked off the comedy bit thusly (emphasis, mine):

No matter how you look at it, today has been an…

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