News Busters

MSNBC’s Mohyeldin Slams GOP Transgender Policies as ‘McCarthyism’

On Saturday night, MSNBC host Ayman Mohyeldin used his eponymous show to paint Republican efforts to roll back the liberal agenda on transgenders and gays as a new “McCarthyism” with guests pushing a conspiracy theory that recent actions are an “experiment” by Republicans to prepare to take rights away from a larger number of Americans later so they can stay in power.

The MSNBC host began with the tiresome historical comparison: “For about a decade in the late 1940’s and ’50s, Wisconsin Senator Joseph McCarthy spread fear and paranoia about this country by persecuting those on the left that he deemed, ‘un-American.’ Now, many of today’s Republicans are McCarthy’s ideological descendants. And one of their primary targets now appears to be the LGBTQ community.”



He continued: “In fact, just yesterday, Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds signed a law removing…

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