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Musk Calls MSNBC ‘Utter Scum Of The Earth’ For Comparing Trump Rally To Nazi Rally

On Sunday, as former President Donald Trump’s triumphant rally at Madison Square Garden in New York City was going on, an MSNBC host compared the event to the infamous February 1939 Nazi rally at the same venue.

MSNBC’s Jonathan Capehart started his diatribe by quoting Trump’s former chief of staff, General John Kelly, having described Trump as a “fascist.”

Then he launched into his vituperative tirade, ignoring the fact that it is American leftists who routinely launch into violence against conservatives willing to stand up and be counted:

That jamboree, happening right now, you see it right there on your screen, in that place, is particularly chilling, because in 1939, more than 20,000 supporters of a different fascist leader, Adolph Hitler, packed the Garden for a so-called “Pro-America” rally. A rally where speakers voiced anti-Semitic rhetoric from a stage draped with…

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