News Busters

My Clients Would Trade $148 Million From Rudy To Get Their Lives Back

Katie Phang Von DuBose MSNBC The Katie Phang Show 12-17-23 On the Sunday edition of her MSNBC show, Katie Phang invited on for a victory lap the lawyer for the two plaintiffs who won a $148 million judgment from Rudy Giuliani in their defamation case against him. The mother-and-daughter plaintiffs had been election workers in Fulton County, Georgia in the 2020 election that Rudy had publicly accused of participating in election fraud in favor of Joe Biden.

In the course of his comments, the lawyer, Von DuBose, managed to maintain a straight face while claiming:

“No amount of money can bring back the sense of security that’s been lost in this case by virtue of the things that have been done to them . . . I think they would trade all of this for their prior lives.”

Now, it’s true, as Rudy’s lawyer has admitted, that Giuliani “committed wrongful conduct” against the plaintiffs, and “harmed” them. And the evidence…

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