News Busters

NATO’s Stoltenberg Praises Trump’s Contributions Despite Morning Joe Prodding

Congratulations to MSNBC’s Morning Joe. They actually interviewed outgoing NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg for over five minutes on Friday morning without giving in to their natural urge to try to get him to criticize Donald Trump.

However, at about the six minute mark they could resist no longer and the Morning Joe tag team of Eugene Robinson and Jonathan Lemire tried to get Stoltenberg to express even minor disapproval of Orange Man Bad. Unfortunately, their attempt not only failed but Stoltenberg praised Trump for getting NATO allies to pay their fair share of the costs.

First up at bat was Eugene Robinson.


EUGENE ROBINSON: Mr. Stoltenberg, what is the level of trepidation about the U.S. election, and how is that being seen in the NATO countries?

JENS: STOLTENBERG: Well, of course, NATO allies watch the elections in the U.S., as everyone…

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