Naughty Liz Cheney Might Be Looking at Coal in Her Stocking – HotAir
Hot Air

Naughty Liz Cheney Might Be Looking at Coal in Her Stocking – HotAir

Aw, you hate to see it – that perpetually prune-faced newly adopted hero of the Left. 

That daring defender of decency, democracy, and sacred dogged hunter down of insurrectiony types.

Yeah. Liz Cheney.

Literally – you hate to see her.

Even the name is enough to make your toes curl, which it did for voters in the former Wyoming representative’s district. As you all will remember, thanks to joining the January 6 congressional committee one-sided witchhunt with fellow scuzzball Adam ‘Would You Have a Kleenix’ Kinzinger, she was summarily booted out of Congress in a landslide of rejection – during a primary, no less.

You could hear WaPo weep as they called it ‘historic.”

Liz Cheney’s historic margin of defeat

Depending on how you slice it, it might be the biggest of the 21st century. And its nearest competitors have something in common.

Rep. Liz Cheney’s loss in…

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