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Navy Secretary Faces Scrutiny, Criticism Over Shipbuilding Delays

At a recent hearing of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense, the panel’s chairman, Rep. Ken Calvert, R-Calif., revealed the extent to which, he says, Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro had not been honest with Congress on the very significant delays and cost overruns facing naval shipbuilding.

Del Toro testified Sept. 19 on the newly revealed cost shortfalls for the Virginia-class submarine program, which has a $1.95 billion shortfall this year and a projected $17 billion shortfall over the next six years.

Calvert said the Navy has not been honest with Congress and appears to have known for at least 18 months about these budget issues it only just revealed.

Congress was just notified a few weeks ago of these substantial shortfalls, and it appears that it was made aware primarily because the fight over the continuing resolution stopgap spending bill…

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