NBC Falsely Claims DeSantis, Haley Spent GOP Debate ‘Barely Criticizing’ Trump
News Busters

NBC Falsely Claims DeSantis, Haley Spent GOP Debate ‘Barely Criticizing’ Trump

On Thursday morning amid the network recaps of Wednesday night’s GOP presidential debate between Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) and Nikki Haley, NBC’s Today and senior Capitol Hill correspondent Garrett Haake offered a pants-on-fire lie that the two “launch[ed]” repeated attacks on each other’s records and honesty and “barely criticiz[ed]” frontrunner Donald Trump “[d]espite trailing Trump in Iowa and nationally”.

If that’s the case, then why is it that, using CNN’s official transcript of the debate (see here and here), a NewsBusters review and copy/paste of all the times DeSantis and Haley mentioned Trump (without set-up questions from CNN moderators Dana Bash and Jake Tapper), it came out to over 2,600 words and five full pages as a PDF?



Haake made the claim then played two extremely brief soundbites from DeSantis and…

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