When it comes to critiques of Joe Biden’s presidency beyond noting the horrid results of his disastrous policies, the most common accusations fall into two general categories. One is that Uncle Joe is simply too old to do the job and too physically and cognitively challenged to do it even if he wants to. The other deals with the rapidly growing mountain of evidence that the Biden family has been engaged in corrupt influence-peddling schemes for decades. Most of the legacy media does its level best to ignore or at least play down these stories, so I was surprised when I saw both themes pop up in an article from NBC News yesterday. But NBC’s Sahil Kapur wasn’t joining the chorus of criticism of Biden’s history or his current performance. He was instead defending Biden by claiming that these stories are just a bunch of political spin being engineered by (wait for it…) Donald Trump. But he claims that Biden can’t possibly be both a cognitive mess and a “nefarious mastermind” at the same time, so this must be a fake storyline.Read More