News Busters

NBC News Tries to Make Charleroi Into Another Springfield

The Regime Media continue to use the migrant crisis as a cudgel with which to bash concerned Americans as racists and bigots. Having mostly moved on from Springfield, Ohio, the media now turn their focus to Charleroi, Pennsylvania.

Watch as NBC’s Yamiche Alcindor builds up to browbeating a local resident over unfettered migration (click “expand” to view transcript):

YAMICHE ALCINDOR: In recent years, many came legally to Charleroi to work at the local meat processing facility like Pierre-Richard Montplaisir.

Do you think what former President Trump is saying is true, that Haitians are having a negative impact here?

PIERRE-RICHARD MONTPLAISIR: No. No. When I came here like four years ago- so the town was a ghost town. And now we’ve got a group of people that are working and being taxed.

ALCINDOR: Montplaisir also works as an interpreter for the school…

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