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NEA Cited for Double Standard on Parental Rights Group’s Funding

The National Education Association has accused Moms for Liberty of being a pawn of “wealthy conservative donors,” even though the teachers union’s revenue is 185 times as great as that of the parental rights group. 

The nation’s largest teachers union—which charges its members dues, often totaling $1,000 a year—called Moms for Liberty, which offers free memberships to 130,000, a tool of “ultrawealthy privateers who seek to abolish America’s public school system” in a Friday article.

Moms for Liberty reported $2.1 million in total revenue in 2022. The NEA, on the other hand, reported revenues of about $371 million for the 2021-2022 fiscal year. 

Members of Moms for Liberty provide a greater good than thousands of dollars in dues, group co-founder Tiffany Justice told The Daily Signal.

“They give us something more valuable than money,” Justice…

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