Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gifted John Fetterman an unusual present Wednesday: a silver-plated beeper.
What, might you ask, would the Democrat Pennsylvania senator want or need with a beeper? Well, it’s not exactly for use, it’s intended as a symbol for the spy movie-worthy offensive taken by the Israeli government where they fooled Hezbollah terrorists into using pagers to communicate—without them knowing that they were actually manufactured by their sworn enemies and were rigged to explode.
Which they did, to spectacular effect.
Fetterman, who’s been one of the few Democrats to staunchly support the Jewish state as they battle the barbaric evils of Hamas and Hezbollah, was thrilled:
🚨THIS IS AWESOME! WATCH: PM Netanyahu gives @SenFettermanPA a SILVER PAGER is a gift thanking him for his strong support for the State of Israel….