News Busters

Nets Come Out Strong for Terror-Adjacent Student Agitator

The networks had to be dragged, kicking and screaming, into coverage of the virulent antisemitic protests at major universities across the United States, beginning with those at Columbia University in New York. The protesters’ worst excesses were often left off of reporting, lest people get the idea that they were materially supportive both of Hamas and of the atrocities they committed on October 7th, 2023. But there is, at long last, an angle worthy of thorough media coverage.

Judging by the level of concern displayed by the media, Khalil emerges as their truest, purest victim of the still-ongoing student protests. The worst network coverage comes via CBS Evening News Plus, a streaming product that is intended to complement the beleaguered Evening News.

Watch as correspondent Lilia Luciano describes the arrest as having a chilling effect on free…

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