The ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows ignored a devastating new survey that completely upended the media gaslighting on how precarious President Joe Biden’s economy really is for Americans.
Gallup released a new survey Feb. 8 of 1,011 adults living in all 50 states and the District of Columbia revealing that 50 percent of Americans are saying they’re “worse off” financially. As Gallup summarized, the results of the Jan. 2 – Jan. 22 poll were shocking. “Since Gallup first asked this question in 1976, it has been rare for half or more of Americans to say they are worse off. The only other times this occurred was during the Great Recession era in 2008 and 2009,” Gallup said. But of course, this wasn’t news according to ABC World News Tonight, CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News, who treated the horrific Gallup poll like it didn’t exist during their Feb. 8 broadcasts.
50% of Americans tell Gallup they’re financially worse off now than last year — the highest percentage since the Great Recession.
— Axios (@axios) February 9, 2023
The fact that World News Tonight and CBS Evening News ignored the Gallup poll is especially egregious. ABC News’ own poll with The Washington Post released a few days ago showed that 41 percent of Americans were worse off financially under Biden, which CNN summarized as the highest number for that survey in “37 years.” CBS News also released a survey of 2,030 adults in the U.S. taken between Feb. 1 and Feb. 4 showing that 53 percent said Biden’s policies were making the economy “worse.” Were World News Tonight and CBS Evening News afraid that reporting a more devastating Gallup poll would just reinforce their own networks’ bad survey results for Biden? ABC Good Morning America even attempted to spin the results of its network’s own poll Feb. 6.
CNBC news just reported Jan. 31 that 64 percent of Americans were living paycheck to paycheck, based on an analysis by the LendingClub. Also, “[f]or the first time, more than half of all six-figure earners also said they were stretched too thin, a jump from 42% a year ago,” CNBC said.
The Big Three evening networks just seem to consistently have an aversion to reporting bad news that undermines Biden’s political image on the economy.
NewsBusters News Analyst Kevin Tober contributed to this report.
Conservatives are under attack. Contact ABC News (818) 460-7477, CBS News (212) 975-3247 and NBC News (212) 664-6192 and hold them to account for their evening networks ignoring Gallup’s survey showing half of America is worse off under Biden.
The ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows ignored a devastating new survey that completely upended the media gaslighting on how precarious President Joe Biden’s economy really is for Americans.
Gallup released a new survey Feb. 8 of 1,011 adults living in all 50 states and the District of Columbia revealing that 50 percent of Americans are saying they’re “worse off” financially. As Gallup summarized, the results of the Jan. 2 – Jan. 22 poll were shocking. “Since Gallup first asked this question in 1976, it has been rare for half or more of Americans to say they are worse off. The only other times this occurred was during the Great Recession era in 2008 and 2009,” Gallup said. But of course, this wasn’t news according to ABC World News Tonight, CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News, who treated the horrific Gallup poll like it didn’t exist during their Feb. 8 broadcasts.
50% of Americans tell Gallup they’re financially worse off now than last year — the highest percentage since the Great Recession.
— Axios (@axios) February 9, 2023
The fact that World News Tonight and CBS Evening News ignored the Gallup poll is especially egregious. ABC News’ own poll with The Washington Post released a few days ago showed that 41 percent of Americans were worse off financially under Biden, which CNN summarized as the highest number for that survey in “37 years.” CBS News also released a survey of 2,030 adults in the U.S. taken between Feb. 1 and Feb. 4 showing that 53 percent said Biden’s policies were making the economy “worse.” Were World News Tonight and CBS Evening News afraid that reporting a more devastating Gallup poll would just reinforce their own networks’ bad survey results for Biden? ABC Good Morning America even attempted to spin the results of its network’s own poll Feb. 6.
CNBC news just reported Jan. 31 that 64 percent of Americans were living paycheck to paycheck, based on an analysis by the LendingClub. Also, “[f]or the first time, more than half of all six-figure earners also said they were stretched too thin, a jump from 42% a year ago,” CNBC said.
The Big Three evening networks just seem to consistently have an aversion to reporting bad news that undermines Biden’s political image on the economy.
NewsBusters News Analyst Kevin Tober contributed to this report.
Conservatives are under attack. Contact ABC News (818) 460-7477, CBS News (212) 975-3247 and NBC News (212) 664-6192 and hold them to account for their evening networks ignoring Gallup’s survey showing half of America is worse off under Biden.