News Busters

Nets Swoon Over Kamala’s MSNBC Interview as a Grand Slam (It Was Not)

MSNBC’s ethically challenged 11th Hour host Stephanie Ruhle scored a softball-filled interview Wednesday with Vice President Kamala Harris and, despite even Ruhle admitting Harris didn’t really answer her questions, the “Big Three” of ABC, CBS, and NBC rushed to celebrate Harris “drilling down on her vision” and “detailing plans” they hope will lead to voters trusting her more on the economy.

While the interview aired on NBC’s sister network MSNBC, ABC had to use Good Morning America to fawn over their Dear Leader. Co-host Michael Strahan sounded like a Harris surrogate in his tease: “Vice President Harris laying out her vision for the economy, detailing plans to boost the middle class as she gains ground on former President Trump on the top issue for voters.”



He doubled down in tossing to chief White House correspondent and the…

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