News Busters

Network Newscasts Hyperventilate Over Colorado Ruling Disqualifying Trump

The evening network newscasts delivered their breaking news reports on the Colorado Supreme Court decision disqualifying former President Donald Trump from the 2024 primary ballot with little substance, but plenty of emotional impact. 

Watch this brief parade of superlatives, as aired on the network evening newscasts:

DAVID MUIR: It is a significant and historic ruling…

ROBERT COSTA: It’s an explosive moment in the 2024 presidential campaign.

GARRETT HAAKE: So this is a stunning decision from the Colorado Supreme Court…

Stunning. And brave, even. ABC anchor David Muir underlined it was a “significant and historical ruling.” But it wasn’t significant enough to prevent ABC from leading the newscast with weather, with the flooding in the Northeast. CBS did the same. Only NBC led with Trump and Colorado, weather second. It was late-breaking…

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