News Busters

Networks Split On Approach To Covering 4th Qtr GDP, Range From Regime To Reality

The network evening newscasts were split as to their coverage of the growth in the nation’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the 4th quarter of 2023, a stout 3.3%. Coverage, to our surprise, ranged from regime cheerleading to brutal reality. 

First, for the regime cheerleading: here’s the entirety of ABC World News Tonight’s report. All sugar: citation of the data, a Biden quote, and a mention of “new record highs in the stock market”, closing out with an image of a smiling President Biden:

DAVID MUIR: To the economy tonight, and more promising news: the nation’s output of goods and services, the GDP, growing 3.3% during the fourth quarter of last year- far outpacing expectations. President Biden today in Wisconsin on the news: 

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: Thanks to the American people, America now has the strongest growth, the lowest inflation rate…

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