Hot Air

Never Mind on That Whole Darkness Thing – HotAir

Like commenters argued yesterday, Amazon Web Services >> Washington Post staffers. Democracy may die in darkness, but Amazon revenue keeps the lights on, a point that publisher and CEO William Lewis has made to Post staffers this year already. 

After skating by for most of this general election without making an endorsement in the presidential race, staffers started complaining to Oliver Darcy over the last couple of days about executive pusillanimity. Lo and behold, Lewis has an essay out this afternoon declaring a return to the paper’s roots by deciding that the presidential race has nothing to do with the “darkness” on its masthead.

In other words, they’re not endorsing Kamala Harris. At least not explicitly:

We recognize that this will be read in a range of ways, including as a tacit endorsement of one candidate, or as a condemnation of another, or as…

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