Red state

New Congressional Report Shows All the Players Colluding for the 2020 Election – RedState

The wheels of justice turn slowly enough that calling them rusted may be an understatement. In the case of Congressional investigations, they may rotate even less, with the realization of things culminating in anything approaching punishment a long shot, at best. That said, there is at least a glimmer of hope of accountability being realized in a long-simmering issue with the last general election.

As our Managing Editor Jennifer Van Laar reported, a bombshell report was released Tuesday by the House Judiciary Committee related to the “51 former intelligence officials” letter alleging that allegations surrounding the Hunter Biden Laptop From Hell “had all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation.” A press release from the House Intelligence Committee summarizes some of the alarming findings:

The report reveals new information detailing how the highest levels of the Central…

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