Red state

New Study Blows Gaping Hole in Gun Grabbers’ Mass Shootings Myth – RedState

We’ve all heard the Democrats’ fantastical gun-grabbing narrative about “assault rifles,” “weapons of war,” “high-powered rifles,” and other such nonsense. And we’ve all seen the left exploit every “mass shooting” that comes down the pike — which is always a demand for ever-stricter gun-control legislation.

AKA: Further erosion of Second Amendment Rights.

At the center of the calls for tighter gun laws is the dreaded AR-15 — the so-called “assault rifle,” a term concocted by the left. Incidentally, “AR” stands for “ArmaLite rifle” — Armalite being the manufacturer that first developed the rifle for civilian use in the early 1950s. Anyway, nary a “mass shooting” occurs without Democrat lawmakers rushing to microphones to histrionically demand a ban on “assault rifles” and/or “weapons of war.” 

Just one problem. A new study blows a gaping hole in the gun grabbers’ myth.


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