Hot Air

New York Named ‘Best City in the World’ by Satanic Church – HotAir

Before we get too carried away, I should point out that the article title is satire. Or at least it’s partly satire. The Big Apple was named the “Best City in the World,” but not by the Church of Satan. (They have yet to weigh in on the question to my knowledge.) Instead, Gotham had this honor bestowed on them by a media company named “Time Out,” as reported this week by CNN. The criteria they used when determining the “best” cities in the world sound fairly basic. They mention the museums, restaurants, and clubs that most people are familiar with. Architecture is also featured. But we have to wonder whether the people conducting this survey have actually been to New York recently. Also, some of the other “winners” on this list seem a bit dubious as well.

It’s the city that’s the main character in all your favorite TV shows and movies, the inspiration behind…

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