News Busters

New York Times Claims Trump Wants Maoist ‘Cultural Revolution’

Is the second Trump Administration turning America into Maoist China? That was the New York Times’ assessment in “Many Chinese See a Cultural Revolution in America,” to judge from a piece by Li Yuan that appeared in the paper’s March 10 edition. Yuan made the very serious, if content-free, assertion that the President Donald Trump shares many parallels with China’s Communist revolutionary dictator Mao Zedong, who killed tens of millions of his own people. Apparently, she failed to notice, if that were the case, what a limb she would have been going out on to even write such an article in the regime of such a despot.

Yuan claimed that “As the United States grapples with the upheaval unleashed by the Trump administration, many Chinese people are finding they can relate to what many Americans are going through. They are saying it feels something like…

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