Red state

New York Times Goes Full Monty With Trump Hysteria, Throws All Pretenses of Journalism Out the Window – RedState

There’s an old aphorism among leftists: if you’re not winning the argument, say it louder. If you’re getting killed in a factual debate, toss the logic and get emotional. Get angry. Throw anything you got, it doesn’t matter if it’s true, just keep screaming.

Actually, I don’t know if that’s an old aphorism—I just made it up—but I see it time and time again, whether I’m arguing with a low-IQ progressive or reading what passes as the mainstream media these days.

Although the New York Times has long lost its reputation as the paper of record—to all but the most fawning of the leftist cult, it is the paper of recording your new puppy’s movements—but they’re getting so unhinged, so frothing as of late, that someone actually approved this mockery of a printing:

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